Central Coast Bush Fire Management Committee
Bush Fire Risk Management Plan 2020 – 2025

Central Coast Bush Fire Risk Management Plan
A Bush Fire Risk Management Plan (BFRMP) is a strategic document that identifies community assets at risk across a fire district and sets out a five-year program of coordinated multi-agency treatments to reduce the risk of bush fire to the assets. Treatments may include activities such as hazard reduction burning, community education, fire trail maintenance, establishing community fire-units and even grazing. Some assets may have only one treatment assigned to them, while some assets may have multiple treatments identified.
Annual mitigation works programs will be prepared to implement the treatments identified in this plan and these will be undertaken by the relevant land managers and firefighting authorities.
The plan and accompanying maps together form the BFRMP for the Central Coast Rural Fire District – incorporating Lake Macquarie and Central Coast Local Government Areas. The Plan has been prepared by the Central Coast Bush Fire Management Committee with a tenure-blind approach and identifies bush fire risk to both public and private lands.
Why is the Bush Fire Risk Management Plan important to you?
Bush fires are an integral part of the Australian environment and an inevitable threat each summer.
It’s important you know the level of risk your property faces so you can prepare a plan in the event of a bush fire. You need to know well in advance whether you are going to stay to protect your (well-prepared) property or move to safety, as well as knowing the best route to take. You will also need to ensure your property is well-prepared to prevent spot fires that can be caused by falling embers.
For more information on how to prepare your property for bush fires, visit rfs.nsw.gov.au
Interactive Map of RMP Asset Areas
Contact us
Address :
Central Coast Fire Control Centre
105 Arizona Road
Charmhaven NSW 2263
Ph: 1300 060 807